During my small bits of down-time I've been able to fit in a bit of crafting here & there and I actually have a lot to share -- But today I thought I'd rewind back a bit to 2005, when my son, Nathan, turned 16. Since I never had any girls, only boys, I wasn't able to create a "Sweet 16" birthday party...I seriously doubt my son would've appreciated it. But I wanted to do something special for him. I remember for my 16th, my parents took me to Farrell's Ice Cream Parlour with some friends. I ordered the "Pig's Trough" -- 9 scoops of ice cream in three flavors, lots of toppings, and one spoon. When I finished the entire thing (by myself) they banged the big drum & cymbals, sang Happy Birthday to me, and had me stand and say, "I made a Pig of myself". I still have the ribbon to prove it!
Anyway...I digress...I've always thought that being 16 was a big deal, but what to do for a boy?? We decided on having a Paintball Party with some friends -- it was great, but the pièce de résistance was the Memory Book I created for him. Earlier in the year I had written a letter to family & friends asking them to create an 8 1/2 x 11 sized page where they wrote a special memory they had of him and/or some words of advice for his future endeavors. I asked them to add a picture of themselves and/or a picture they remembered of a time they spent with Nathan. If they didn't want to assemble a "page" I asked that they send me their message & picture(s) and I'd assemble it for them. It was awesome the response I got. In most cases they sent their bits and I assembled, but some actually had a page prepared and sent.

Two years later when my youngest son, Cody, turned 12, he said to me "I can't wait until I turn 16...because that's when I'll get my Memory Book!" He just turned 15 years old, and I'm getting started on it now. I'll still continue with the same size pages & page protectors, but I will change it up to suit his personality & style. A year may seem to be a long way from now...but I've lost several family members in the past two years including my father, grandfather, & a dear uncle, and I don't want to miss getting any more family members involved in this process -- this is a book that will be a keepsake for future generations.
In the meantime, stay tuned for an upcoming post which is a different take on a memory book -- a Grad Book I created for my niece!
Happy Crafting! Lisa
(You can click on any picture to enlarge it)
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